Category Archives: renewable energy

How MONA Connects Science, Nature and Sustainability

Art has the power to inspire both creativity and intellectual debate. It can help us to question or make sense of the world around us through its motives and messages, or generate a feeling of awe and intrigue simply through the ascetics of a piece.

On a recent trip to the quirky and somewhat morbid art gallery of MONA, in Hobart, I was lucky enough to encounter an exhibition which engaged all of my senses; whilst carrying a fascinating narrative of science, nature and sustainability.  Continue reading How MONA Connects Science, Nature and Sustainability

20 Facts & Stats Inspiring Us to Live Greener

Been meaning to get a handle on some of the facts surrounding climate change,  carbon emissions and everything else sustainability? Or simply want to have some planet trivia to whip out at the pub to impress your friends? You’re not alone!

There are far too many facts, stats and research out there to keep up with – unless of course you live on your Twitter feed and read every article posted on the internet (if so, we salute you!) But for us mere mortals who want to know the facts in a nutshell, and in easily sharable form, I have pulled together 20 of the most pressing facts which inspired me to go green.
Continue reading 20 Facts & Stats Inspiring Us to Live Greener

The Worlds Most Energy Efficient Countries [infographic]

You may have noticed that German and parts of Scandinavia have been leading the way in renewal energy in most recent years; investing more time, money and commitment into technological innovation and country wide installation than many other places in the world.

But when you compare all levels of efficiency – including transport, construction, industry and carbon footprint – which countries really deserve the gold star for effort when it comes to championing clean energy? Well, this shiny infographic may just have your answer (Hint: Germany is still top dog…) 

Continue reading The Worlds Most Energy Efficient Countries [infographic]

Technology Is Secretly Making Us Greener

Manufacturers are making it easier than ever for environmentally conscious consumers to live a greener life and they’re doing in it such a way we don’t have to make big sacrifices or shun cutting-edge technology.

Smart technology is turning the everyday, mundane, energy hungry appliance into cost effective and eco-friendly must haves. In 2012 LG unveiled an entire line of smart appliances including a diet tracking refrigerator and an eco-friendly washing machine with a bigger drum and ultra-fast cycles and in the three years since then every appliance manufacturer has followed suit including self-diagnosing washing machines designed to cut down on costly call-outs for easily fixed problems. Continue reading Technology Is Secretly Making Us Greener

Are new builds the smart choice for energy efficiency?

Now, I am by no means in a position to be buying a home any time soon – I mean, I’m just about to give up all my worldly belongings and go gypsy for a while across the world! But I know many of my more sensible peers are increasingly looking to settle down and jump onto the property ladder. Most of them are going for the cheaper option, of something older which needs a little bit of work; then putting the hours and money in to make it their own. But when it comes to investing in your first house, is this approach really the most affordable, and green way to go?

My dream, if I’m honest, is to build my own Tiny House, Grand Design style. But If I had to purchase an existing home, I would always go for the old Victorian house full of character, over a shiny new build, with little history or soul. However – for the sustainably conscious – recent innovations are showing that new homes might actually be the smarter choice; not only for the pocket but also for the green credentials of your home.

In recent years there have been major changes in the way new build homes are designed, to make them more efficient for both the environment and the customer; resulting in hundreds of pounds being saved each year on energy bills. Continue reading Are new builds the smart choice for energy efficiency?

Understanding: Fracking

I’ve been seeing an increase of stories in the news recently about ordinary people rising up, and standing up against plans for fracking in their local area. Using assertive, yet relatively peaceful, campaigning method; I’ve seen everyone from passionate, student activists to concerned, middle-aged housewives taking to the streets with placards, or writing forceful letters of objection to their MPs. This subject is a hot bed for debate in the UK right now, and everyone’s in on it.

But I must admit, until not long ago, I had largely been oblivious to what fracking actually was; simply relaxing into the view that it was something that was bad for the environment but too technical for me to understand. I’m guessing I’m not the only one to shy away from the more industrial side of sustainability, so I thought a “Fracking in a nutshell” post might be helpful! (plus I’m a massive Battlestar Gallactica fan so have been dying to over use the word Frack for years!)

Continue reading Understanding: Fracking