Tag Archives: eco travel

10 Things Travelling Teaches You About Green Living

oh how times flies! It’s been over a month since my last post, and in that time I have passed through 6 countries, climbed 4 mountains, and eaten more varieties of tofu and tempe than one vegan can dream of in a lifetime.

But what have I learnt on my travels so far? And more importantly, how has it helped me on my path to sustainable living?

To give you the quickest snapshot of my round the world trip so far, and ease myself back into writing (my typing skills are rusty after months lying on the beach…) here are the 10 top things travelling teaches you about green living: Continue reading 10 Things Travelling Teaches You About Green Living

Refill mania: Indias zero waste approach to plastic pollution 

Namaste my lovely lazies! It’s been almost two months since I left the rainy, wintery UK to the warm and humid Indian subcontinent, and what adventures I’ve had so far! 

It’s been relatively easy to continue my lazy green lifestyle on the road, and me and my little backpack have been living the minimal lifestyle in wedded bliss. That said, it’s not been without it’s challenges. 

The biggest issue (which I hasten to add is simply due to my disorganisation) is the amount of plastic water bottles I’ve found myself using in lieu of clean drinking water supplies. I discovered fairly early on that my Brita filter water bottle wouldn’t cut it with Indian tap water and at 20p a pop, I soon found myself succumbing to the convienance of bottled water.  

Continue reading Refill mania: Indias zero waste approach to plastic pollution 

Vegan dining in Udaipur: Millets of Mewar 

Udaipur, Rajathans glistening white treasure, has quickly become my favourite city in the world. It’s clean, friendly streets are scattered with quirky galleries and even quirkier people. It’s numerous cool lakes are surrounded by luscious greenery and fascinating heritage.

When you rock up in Udaipur for the very first time, you’d be mistaken for thinking you’d arrived in a remote, untouched part of Italy; were it not for the hundreds of Rajathani mirrored murals which cover it’s city walls.   Continue reading Vegan dining in Udaipur: Millets of Mewar 

A Backpackers Fears: Preparing to Let Go

What a difference a week can make. Especially when you feel like you’ve been moving at 100 Mph for the last 6 months, on an unsatisfying energy source of cheap coffee, hummus and Sex and the City reruns! Life for the first half of 2015 has seemed to move both mind numbingly slow and overwhelmingly fast in equal measures.

On the one hand, I’ve impatiently anticipated the day I finally fly the UK nest and take my lazy green ways on the road trip of a lifetime. The days have dragged as I’ve lived as frugally as possible to save for my dream one year trip around the globe.

On the other hand, days have seemed to blur into weeks faster than the TGV, and I’m left with just 9 days to go before I fly (and an ever escalating to do list!)

I know, I know, it’s hard to feel sorry for someone who has quit their job and is about to embark on a year of galavanting around the world! But there is unfortunately no calm before the backpackers storm, and it seems that the most stressful part of a round the world trip is the preparation period itself, where your whole being has a last minute freak out, and yells: “what the hell are you doing?! Lets just run back to where we came from and hide under a rock where it feels safe!” Continue reading A Backpackers Fears: Preparing to Let Go

Being Green Whilst Travelling… Iphone addition

IMG_8584In February, I embarked on a yearlong, working holiday to Australia.  Having been here 4 months now, it has been in a lot of ways harder to live a sustainable life than I thought it would be.

When embarking on my travels I knew that there were going to be a few home comforts I’d miss – my own bed in my own room being top of the list with my cats – the easiness of green living was not one of the things I expected to miss.

Having spent a few months travelling around the states in 2012, this time around I thought I’d have the travelling thing down to fine art, making it much easier to carry on my green ways whilst on the move.  Sadly I slightly over estimated things.  In my mind when I left the UK I would be moving to a warmer climate living by the beach, whilst doing my morning yoga practice on the beach as the sun came up. Surely as it’s warmer you use less energy and it’s easier to wake in the morning?

The reality hasn’t quite lived up to that as it does get cold here – June equals winter – plus, my ability to wake up early and function in the mornings has not miraculously changed by switching hemispheres.  I still love my sleep and dislike waking up in the morning even if it sunny.  Also for the first few months of my time here, I was moving around and staying in different hostels all the time, this is when it becomes particularly tricky to try and live a life that’s green. Continue reading Being Green Whilst Travelling… Iphone addition