Tag Archives: Food waste

Tackling Food Waste: Can the Aussies Catch up with France?

Greetings from Sydney! I have been living as a fully fledged Aussie for over a month now and I’m completely in love with my new summery, outdoorsy life. The weather is sweet, the city is full of gorgeous wildlife, and the vegan options are to die for! But one thing I’ve noticed since I’ve been back in Western Civilization is the insane amount of consumerism in the city, especially when it comes to excess grocery shopping.

We are all vaguely aware that food wastage is a big problem (as much as 50% of all food produced – or two billion tonnes – each year), and that much of that is wasted in the supermarket before it even reaches our homes. Here in Australia alone, as much as 44 million tonnes of food is wasted annually! Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world over one billion people experience fatal hunger and malnutrition. Something clearly needs to change, and fast!

Continue reading Tackling Food Waste: Can the Aussies Catch up with France?

Infographic – the Growing Global Water Footprint

I’ve always thought it’s a little odd that despite 71% of the Earth’s surface being covered in water, reports of global water shortages are steadily increasing. Especially when I happen to live in a county that seems to be in a sate of perpetual rain!

But the fact is there’s a huge difference between sea water and fresh water, and the demand for the latter is causing millions to suffer across the globe. The assumption that this is simply an issue for those in underdeveloped countries is a myth. In fact, the United Nations reported earlier this year that predictions suggest within 15 years, the world water supply will fall short by at least 40%, and continue to rise. It will soon affect every single one of us.

An infographic I came across recently shows that those small things our mums always told us off for doing when we were young – like leaving the tap running for too long – aren’t helping the situation either. Luckily, it also reveals that there are quite a few things we can actively do to help reduce our “water footprint”, and make the most of this life giving liquid. Not surprisingly, reducing our meat and dairy intake – which, along with chocolate is one of the biggest drain on fresh water supply – can have significant benefits.

Custom Made, the lovely makers on the below infographic, say:

“Fresh water consumption has doubled since World War II and is expected to rise 25% by 2030. All of this water use takes a toll on the planet and can create water scarcity which effects up to 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of the year. Explore ways you can reduce your water footprint in your home.

Dual flush toilets, turning off the tap while scrubbing dishes, and using a rain barrel to collect outdoor water are all great ways to reduce your water footprint. There are many simple changes you can make in your day to day life that can positively impact your water use and lessen the effects of water scarcity.”

Continue reading Infographic – the Growing Global Water Footprint

Your Green Life: Zero Waste Chef

Ok, so first things first: a massive apology for how embarrassingly late this interview has come to you lovely people. About 3 months to be exact! But they say you leave the best to last, and I have to say this is a gem of a green life right here! 

Fellow blogger and my ultimate cooking inspiration, Zero Waste Chef, makes living waste free and cooking from scratch seem easier than finishing off a cool glass of white wine on a hot summers day! From buying fresh, local and seasonal; to using up every last morsel of food. Being the lazy old fool I am, I tend to watch with amazement but rarely give her recipes a go; though her ideas and food knowledge never cease to amaze me. 

Alongside her blog, Anne-Marie also hosts regular webinars and workshops to help others learn the skills of waste free cooking where she lives in California (dream home BTW!). In fact, as I will be finishing off my backpacking travels in San Francisco next year; I’m very much hoping I can catch one of these and learn a thing or two myself! 

Continue reading Your Green Life: Zero Waste Chef

Confessions from the leftovers bowl

Right, its confession time. When I said I had gone almost a whole week without wasting one scrap of fruit or vegetable leftovers, I may have been misleading in my zero waste success. Whilst it is true that I have not thrown any food in the bin for the last 6 days, there have been a few items which completely stumped me; and as such I have been keeping them in a bowl in the fridge until I could find a use for them.

But no such inspiration has come, so now I need YOUR help in finding a use for the following items:  Continue reading Confessions from the leftovers bowl

Friday night in with a Cauliflower

Happy Friday lazy green people!

Now, this might sound a little odd; but I think the cauliflower might just have replaced my Friday night treat of Indian takeaway and a bag of crisps (not necessarily consumed together I might add…). previously, I’ve associated this classic vegetable  with the staple roast dinner dish: cauliflower cheese. But since going vegan, I have long lost hope of recreating a dairy free version, as Vegan cheeses and cheese sauces generally don’t float my boat!

But when, this week, a friend offered me a cauliflower that she wasn’t going to eat (a perfect example of zero waste sharing!), I decided to make a nice big curry with it in advance of a Friday night in. This way I could save money on takeaway AND the plastic they are often delivered in. Continue reading Friday night in with a Cauliflower

How Eden Does Neutral Waste

So, its day three of Zero Waste Week and so far so good with my pledge to do “one more thing” and go zero food waste with my fruit and veg scraps. It helps that I have a more than average appetite, and generally polish off every last scrap of food in my kitchen anyway! Over the last two days I have been using up ALL of my fruit and veg; either by juicing it (then using the juice pulp) or by thinking outside the box with my left over peelings. The theme I’m spotting is creativity and curiosity with food; all of which takes little time or effort!

But before I go further, I thought I would check in with the experts and see how they tackle waste. I have mentioned before that I work at a pretty amazing environmental and educational charity – the Eden Project – whose stunning captive Rainforest and Mediterranean biomes attract millions of visitors to Cornwall every year. But Eden doesn’t just encourage people to think about the impact we have on our planet, and how we can collectively protect and conserve its resources. They also put their money where their mouth is operate as zero waste as they can. Continue reading How Eden Does Neutral Waste

Cut down food waste and “Peel” healthy

Wow! What a fantastic start to Zero Waste Week yesterday. Twitter was jam packed with pledges, ideas and advice for going zero waste; with plenty of activity from the other fabulous Blog Ambassadors to inspire us all! If you haven’t gotten involved yet, there’s still time to join in!

My first day of juicing and pulping felt rather easy (despite my disorganisation!) and I didn’t waste one smidge of my food all day. But being as lazy as I am, I can’t stick at a juice diet for long; so I’m back on the solids today, in time to tackle pesky peelings! As much as I have attempted to avoid food waste in the past, peelings are always the one thing I guiltily throw away almost daily; despite the huge amount of fruit and veg I go through on my vegan diet. Continue reading Cut down food waste and “Peel” healthy

Recipes and Uses For Juicing Pulp

Zero Waste Week is finally here, and I’m feeling excited and overwhelmed in equal measures!  I have been looking forward to the week’s challenge of doing “one more thing” in a bid to reduce my household waste (and hopefully kick a few of my lazy habits of throwing things away too easily). But less than 2 days ago I was relaxing and sunning myself by a pool in the South of France, successfully switching off from the rest of the world and intentionally avoiding any forms of writing or thinking. Now I’m very unprepared and have no idea how I intend to approach my waste reduction; let alone what I will write for my daily blogs! That really is lazy procrastination at its best!

But as my pledge for Zero Waste week is to use up ALL of my fruit and veg – doing my bit to reduce the estimated 15 million tonnes of UK food that’s thrown away annually – I thought there is no better way to kick off the week than a deliciously lazy recipe!! Continue reading Recipes and Uses For Juicing Pulp