Tag Archives: cornwall

Lazy Local shopping: Cornish Food Market

Hello my lovely lazies, how are you?!

It’s been a pretty crazy few weeks for me, with one huge event to organise at work, plus the worlds most disorganised house move ever! But I’ve settled in to my brand new little home with more resolutions that the last 5 New Years rolled in to one! Aside from doing daily yoga and meditation, and eating less junk food, I’m also going to be ditching the car and walking the 40 minutes to work everyday day. Watch this space..

Views from my lovely new porch :)
Views from my lovely new porch 🙂

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Week off: Reconnecting with nature & myself

Oh, what a difference a week off makes! As I sit here now, with a glass of wine in my hand and a cat on my lap, I feel happy, refreshed and energised; after a week off work to do nothing but feed my soul. The start of June marked the end of another campaign year at work, the completion of year 5 of my part-time History degree, and an eventful month 2 of my new blogging journey! It has been a fun few months, but boy have they been busy!! So to take a week off just for myself – to lie in, surf, sunbathe, practice yoga, read…or simply just to be – has been a complete blessing. Continue reading Week off: Reconnecting with nature & myself

Can Cows sniff out a Vegan?

Now, this might seem like a very odd question but let me explain…

I think myself to be a very lucky countryside commuter; starting my day with a brisk 25 minute walk to work, along a steep and scenic country path in rural Cornwall. And as the day at my desk comes to a close, I always have the gentle walk back down the hill to look forward to; amongst wild flowers, dusty paths and resident cows!

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