Tag Archives: food

Lazy Local shopping: Cornish Food Market

Hello my lovely lazies, how are you?!

It’s been a pretty crazy few weeks for me, with one huge event to organise at work, plus the worlds most disorganised house move ever! But I’ve settled in to my brand new little home with more resolutions that the last 5 New Years rolled in to one! Aside from doing daily yoga and meditation, and eating less junk food, I’m also going to be ditching the car and walking the 40 minutes to work everyday day. Watch this space..

Views from my lovely new porch :)
Views from my lovely new porch 🙂

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Your Green Life: Zero Waste Chef

Ok, so first things first: a massive apology for how embarrassingly late this interview has come to you lovely people. About 3 months to be exact! But they say you leave the best to last, and I have to say this is a gem of a green life right here! 

Fellow blogger and my ultimate cooking inspiration, Zero Waste Chef, makes living waste free and cooking from scratch seem easier than finishing off a cool glass of white wine on a hot summers day! From buying fresh, local and seasonal; to using up every last morsel of food. Being the lazy old fool I am, I tend to watch with amazement but rarely give her recipes a go; though her ideas and food knowledge never cease to amaze me. 

Alongside her blog, Anne-Marie also hosts regular webinars and workshops to help others learn the skills of waste free cooking where she lives in California (dream home BTW!). In fact, as I will be finishing off my backpacking travels in San Francisco next year; I’m very much hoping I can catch one of these and learn a thing or two myself! 

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Wanted! For crimes against Green Living

My biggest enemy right now – keeping me up late at night and inspiring unpredictable bouts of cursing – is my daily struggle with the evil criminal…household food waste! Now, I’d be the first to admit that I’m not someone who wastes food in the traditional sense: if it’s available, I’ll eat it! I’m also guilty of polishing off a plate of food, whether I actually enjoyed it or not, just because I didn’t want to see it “go to waste”. Admittedly, this is often down to my own personal greed, than any ethical aspirations for a more sustainable planet…

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Lazy organic Eating

Everyone who knows me knows that I love food. I love fresh, healthy fruit and veg, and I love chocolate, crisps and almost anything fried…

For me it’s not just about the eating.  It’s the fun of browsing recipes, experimenting with ingredients and enjoying the social atmosphere of cooking for others. So, as part of my journey to living a greener, more sustainable life, food seemed like an important place to start. A key part of living more sustainable is getting to grips with organic produce. What is it? Why should we eat it? What are the pitfalls? And, more importantly, how can we incorporate it into our lives with little effort or expense?

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