Category Archives: Interviews

Antoine Repessé: Portraits of Waste Through the Eyes of a Photographer

I’ve often wondered what all my rubbish would look like if I could see it all laid out in front of me. Though I am uber conscious about throwing things in the landfill, and avoid packaging as much as I can, I am far from the girl who can store her waste in a jar!

But perhaps if we couldn’t hide from the waste we produced, and had to live surrounded by it instead, we could see just how much we still need to cut down on.

This is something which has been beautifully presented by Lille-based photographer Antoine Repessé  in his latest project; #365 Unpacked. In 2011, Repessé stopped throwing away his recyclable rubbish and instead began storing it inside his home for this fascinating photography project. To date he has 70m3 of waste stored!  Continue reading Antoine Repessé: Portraits of Waste Through the Eyes of a Photographer

My Liebster Award

Eeee I’m so excited to be nominated for the Liebster Award by my lovely fellow blogger Danielle from No Need For Mars! The awards are an awesome way to connect with like-minded bloggers, as well ask a few fun but insightful questions to some of your favs.

The best thing for you lot is not only do you get a little sneak peek into my lazy green life, you might just discover a fabulous new blog to follow through my nominations. Sharing is caring peeps!

So thanks again to Danielle (check out her blog if you haven’t already!) and here are the answers to your great questions….liebster

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Get Lost in Samsara, with a new ethical swap shop

I have long been a fan of the sharing economy concept – both ethically and financially – from Streetbanks Christmas advent challenge; to all the nifty ways sharing can save you money in the summer months.

So, I was very excited this week to hear from two lovely Italian ladies Marvia and Alessia – or Lost in Samsara – who have been passionately building an ethical swap shop initiative in London, as well as a website for others to join in on the sharing fun.

The Wheel Project is a new online platform which aim to bypass money and allow people to go straight to swapping goods and skills with one another. The process is easy peasy: simply choose what you’d like to swap, register on the website, create an offer and upload a picture. Then repeat the process as many times as you like!   Continue reading Get Lost in Samsara, with a new ethical swap shop

Your Green Life: Zero Waste Chef

Ok, so first things first: a massive apology for how embarrassingly late this interview has come to you lovely people. About 3 months to be exact! But they say you leave the best to last, and I have to say this is a gem of a green life right here! 

Fellow blogger and my ultimate cooking inspiration, Zero Waste Chef, makes living waste free and cooking from scratch seem easier than finishing off a cool glass of white wine on a hot summers day! From buying fresh, local and seasonal; to using up every last morsel of food. Being the lazy old fool I am, I tend to watch with amazement but rarely give her recipes a go; though her ideas and food knowledge never cease to amaze me. 

Alongside her blog, Anne-Marie also hosts regular webinars and workshops to help others learn the skills of waste free cooking where she lives in California (dream home BTW!). In fact, as I will be finishing off my backpacking travels in San Francisco next year; I’m very much hoping I can catch one of these and learn a thing or two myself! 

Continue reading Your Green Life: Zero Waste Chef

Your Green Life: Elsie Bryant (Development Truths)

I’m sure I have said before that sustainability is not just about recycling, organic food and solar panels. It’s also about all of us wonderful human beings, and how we treat each other and the world around us. I choose to be an optimist when it comes to the intentions of others, and believe that deep down we all want the best for the world; and will do anything in our power to make it fair, safe and enjoyable for everyone in it. But as we all know, information spins around so freely these days, conflict and confusion can happen; and we are often unsure what to believe when it comes to “making a difference”.

Well, let me introduce a very inspiring young lady, who happens to be one of my nearest and dearest friends: Miss Elsie Bryant! Having worked in many areas of sustainability – from Start UK and UK Green Building Council, to  awesome events such as Bristol’s Big Green Week – Elsie has worked her communications & campaigning magic across the UK green world. But her true passion lies in people; and her interest in international develop has lead to her fabulous work as an inspiring Humanitarian and environmental entrepreneur. Her personal blog, Development Truths, is an honest and frank look at the world of international development; which seeks to challenge, but not judge, our perceptions of the world around us.

And from a personal, extremely biased perspective, I simply love this chick!!

Continue reading Your Green Life: Elsie Bryant (Development Truths)

Your Green Life: Jen Gale (My Make Do and Mend Year)

I have to say, I don’t think this weeks Your Green Life needs much of an introduction. Following her family’s attempt to live one full year without buying anything new; Jen Gale has become a massive inspiration for thousands of people seeking to live more sustainably, or simply enjoy a frugal life by having fun with crafty upcycling. 

Now, her blog My Make Do and Mend Year, boasts a large, committed following of makers and doers; in which Jen welcomes everyone to become part of a thriving community sharing successes and mishaps! It’s no surprise then, to find that Jen has become a bit of a make do and mend guru; with articles and ideas popping up across many platforms, including a fab series of “how to mend…” posts on the Guardians lifestyle pages. 

But Jen’s success and all round awesomeness isn’t the only reason I wanted to pick her brains about green living. It just so happens that Jen is the reason I started a Lazy Girl Goes Green in the first place! Earlier this year I was introduced to her through Start UK, when I organised an event with them at Eden Project for The Big Lunch. The event was all about resourcefulness and Jen was highly recommended as one of the most resourceful people they knew!

 Despite working in communications and marketing for years, I had never really had much to do with the blogging world. But after reading a few of Jens blogs I was hooked, and felt utterly inspired to start my own sustainable journey. She also introduced me to lots of other bloggers, organisations and charities I didn’t know existed, and she continue to inspire me to this day! 

Continue reading Your Green Life: Jen Gale (My Make Do and Mend Year)

Your Green Life: Freya Grummitt (Project Dirt)

One thing that’s struck me most recently about sustainability, is that it’s not just about our dependence on the planet, but our connections with each other, that is so important to protect. It doesn’t matter how much recycling we do at home, or how many less things we buy; it is pretty clear that powerful changes really happy when we work together to share passions, ideas and resources. 

There are already heaps of groups, organisations and companies doing awesome things out there, transforming people and places; but it’s a bit of a forest out there! Sometimes it can be hard to get our voices heard, and share the success (and not so….) stories which remind us why we are a productive and creative species, who can actually change the world for good. 

This is why I wanted to pick the brains of someone who is at the heart of a thriving community of ‘doers’, and helps to get conversations around positive change flowing. Project Dirt is a social media site for community projects and groups who want to chat with like minded passionate people. and collaborate to share resources and ideas. From gardening groups, and Big Lunchers, to transition towns and community organisers; it’s like a little hub of positive goings on! I chatted to the lovely Freya from PD to find out what lies behind her passions for green living: 

Continue reading Your Green Life: Freya Grummitt (Project Dirt)

Your Green Life: Green Moxie

I’ve just returned from a week away exploring Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dartmoor with some of my best friends; and am now snuggled at home feeling well rested and full of happiness. Just a little time away have given me a much needed winter boost and filled me with fresh energy for December. 

This new lease of life is very apt, as this weeks interview is with a woman whose energy and passion for sustainability was a big inspiration to starting A Lazy Girl Goes Green earlier this year. Nikki Fotheringham – the brain child behind Toronto based green living website Green Moxie – is always full of fun and quirky ideas for upcycing and beauty DIY (like this awesome natural eyeshadow) which would make anyone want to reach for the glue gun. I wanted to pick her creative brain, and find out what inspires her across the Atlantic. 

Continue reading Your Green Life: Green Moxie