Category Archives: Green Living

How to go Forest Bathing

Yup, you heard right: Forest Bathing. It’s an actual thing, and people are doing it all over the world.

Just the same way you would bathe in water or bathe under the sun, Forest Bathing is the practice of lying, or walking, amongst the trees to enjoy the benefits they bring to your physical and mental wellbeing.

The practice, which originated in Japan (where it is called shinrin-yoku) is actually quite familiar to us. Though it may not have an official name here in the UK, walking in nature  has long been an favourite pastime; with most of us enduring family woodland strolls as children, only to revert back to them eagerly as wildlife loving adults.

And it’s not just a fun day out. Spending dedicated time in the company of trees has been proven to be good for our health. Trees are the Earths original air cleansers; soaking up city pollution, helping to cool increasing urban temperatures, and pumping out fresh new Oxygen which literally keeps us alive. Continue reading How to go Forest Bathing

A Lazy Girl Goes Country Interior

Aloha! Just a quick check in from me as I chill by the beach in Santa Monica after arriving in sunny California today! It is such a nice treat to be warm again after my chilly Tasmania trip and the last few days in wintery Christchurch,  New Zealand.

More blogs and stories to come from my travels, but I just wanted to jump in quickly and tell you about a lovely surprise mention of A lazy Girl Goes Green in Country Home and Interiors Magazine. The fabulous mag, which features dream country homes that many of us can only dream of recreating, has gone all green in this months edition and, as well as yours truly, has featured a mention for my fellow green bloggers Moral Fibres and Curiously Conscious.


It’s an honour to feature beside such seasoned bloggers when I know I regularly live up to my lazy name and am not the most organised blogger! But being described as one of the top three “style-savvy green thinking bloggers” who “…shares humorous and relatable tales of trying to live sustainably…” encourages me to think this little blog of mine still has some use to others!


Sustainable party planning

Whether you’re throwing a garden party or a children’s birthday bash, maintaining your own green standards can be a lot harder than you’d expect – as the sheer amount of things you need to get ready and cater for end up taking its toll on even the most well-natured environmentalist. From getting rid of waste, to cooking to please a group, here’s a guide to more sustainable party planning:

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20 Facts & Stats Inspiring Us to Live Greener

Been meaning to get a handle on some of the facts surrounding climate change,  carbon emissions and everything else sustainability? Or simply want to have some planet trivia to whip out at the pub to impress your friends? You’re not alone!

There are far too many facts, stats and research out there to keep up with – unless of course you live on your Twitter feed and read every article posted on the internet (if so, we salute you!) But for us mere mortals who want to know the facts in a nutshell, and in easily sharable form, I have pulled together 20 of the most pressing facts which inspired me to go green.
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Eco Driving: Why Green Cars Still Aren’t Commonplace

For the environmentally conscious – few things can feel as guilty as owning a petrol powered vehicle. Yet, for most of us, this is just the reality we live in. Petrol based cars are still the most common vehicle, even though hybrids and purely electric cars are actively available.

Why is this the case? If electric vehicles represent a greener way to drive – and are supposedly cheaper to run, too – why are we so slow in mass-adopting this new technology?

Here mechanic, and passionate green bean, Giles Kirkland shares his know how on the green car industry and why it hasn’t yet gone that extra mile:

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36 Twitter Accounts That’ll Help you Live Greener

I’ll begin this post by putting my hands up and admitting I am an intermittent and inconsistent Twitter user. I have weeks when I’m completely on it and post regularly, and there are other times when I forget it even exists. Personally I see this approach to social media as healthy; it should simply be something you dip in and out of in between living life, not something you are glued to every second of the day. BUT as a blogger, I am aware that I’m missing a trick. 

Twitter is an awesome way to stay on the ball with the people and topics which interest you, and can be an incredible resource to accessing advice, information and inspiration for living a little more sustainably. And its not just newsfeeds and hashtags you can follow to help your green journey. There are also heaps of weekly debates, Q&As and discussion hours – such as #makedoandmendhour and #veganhour – where you can share (or steal) great ideas and easy green hacks from other like minded tweeters. 

With this in mind, I thought I would share 20 of my favourite Twitter accounts, for anyone interested in sustainability, veganism or green and ethical living. 

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The Worlds Most Energy Efficient Countries [infographic]

You may have noticed that German and parts of Scandinavia have been leading the way in renewal energy in most recent years; investing more time, money and commitment into technological innovation and country wide installation than many other places in the world.

But when you compare all levels of efficiency – including transport, construction, industry and carbon footprint – which countries really deserve the gold star for effort when it comes to championing clean energy? Well, this shiny infographic may just have your answer (Hint: Germany is still top dog…) 

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Tackling Food Waste: Can the Aussies Catch up with France?

Greetings from Sydney! I have been living as a fully fledged Aussie for over a month now and I’m completely in love with my new summery, outdoorsy life. The weather is sweet, the city is full of gorgeous wildlife, and the vegan options are to die for! But one thing I’ve noticed since I’ve been back in Western Civilization is the insane amount of consumerism in the city, especially when it comes to excess grocery shopping.

We are all vaguely aware that food wastage is a big problem (as much as 50% of all food produced – or two billion tonnes – each year), and that much of that is wasted in the supermarket before it even reaches our homes. Here in Australia alone, as much as 44 million tonnes of food is wasted annually! Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world over one billion people experience fatal hunger and malnutrition. Something clearly needs to change, and fast!

Continue reading Tackling Food Waste: Can the Aussies Catch up with France?