Category Archives: Sustainability

Could Period pants save the planet?

OK, here I go again with grand claims of planet saving credentials, but I just can’t help myself when I come across a new sustainable solution which makes my life greener AND easier!

For those who have been with me since the beginning of my lazy green journey, you may remember I took the plunge a few years back and switched to using a moon-cup (if you not, you can read ‘Are mooncups just for hippies?’ HERE)

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Is Toilet Roll Giving us a Bum Deal?

Toilet roll. The essential item on our shopping lists, and one of the only things we spent hundreds of pounds on a year, only to intentionally throw it away! We use it several times a day – more often if you’re a vegan, lets face it – and an empty loo roll holder instills a frantic panic amongst the best of us, leading to a feeble cry of helplessness: “what do I use now?!” It’s an underrated champion for something so simple, yet most of feel that we couldn’t live without it!

And it’s not just our delicate regions which require the trusty toilet roll. From blowing noses, wiping dirty children faces and removing last nights make up, to using it in lieu of kitchen roll (yes, hands up, I have been known to do that!) it’s estimated that an average person uses at least 30 rolls (or approx 39 lbs) of toilet roll every year. Seem’s a small price to pay to make our bums, faces and…ummm…kitchens happy, right?  Continue reading Is Toilet Roll Giving us a Bum Deal?

How MONA Connects Science, Nature and Sustainability

Art has the power to inspire both creativity and intellectual debate. It can help us to question or make sense of the world around us through its motives and messages, or generate a feeling of awe and intrigue simply through the ascetics of a piece.

On a recent trip to the quirky and somewhat morbid art gallery of MONA, in Hobart, I was lucky enough to encounter an exhibition which engaged all of my senses; whilst carrying a fascinating narrative of science, nature and sustainability.  Continue reading How MONA Connects Science, Nature and Sustainability

20 Facts & Stats Inspiring Us to Live Greener

Been meaning to get a handle on some of the facts surrounding climate change,  carbon emissions and everything else sustainability? Or simply want to have some planet trivia to whip out at the pub to impress your friends? You’re not alone!

There are far too many facts, stats and research out there to keep up with – unless of course you live on your Twitter feed and read every article posted on the internet (if so, we salute you!) But for us mere mortals who want to know the facts in a nutshell, and in easily sharable form, I have pulled together 20 of the most pressing facts which inspired me to go green.
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Antoine Repessé: Portraits of Waste Through the Eyes of a Photographer

I’ve often wondered what all my rubbish would look like if I could see it all laid out in front of me. Though I am uber conscious about throwing things in the landfill, and avoid packaging as much as I can, I am far from the girl who can store her waste in a jar!

But perhaps if we couldn’t hide from the waste we produced, and had to live surrounded by it instead, we could see just how much we still need to cut down on.

This is something which has been beautifully presented by Lille-based photographer Antoine Repessé  in his latest project; #365 Unpacked. In 2011, Repessé stopped throwing away his recyclable rubbish and instead began storing it inside his home for this fascinating photography project. To date he has 70m3 of waste stored!  Continue reading Antoine Repessé: Portraits of Waste Through the Eyes of a Photographer

Eco Driving: Why Green Cars Still Aren’t Commonplace

For the environmentally conscious – few things can feel as guilty as owning a petrol powered vehicle. Yet, for most of us, this is just the reality we live in. Petrol based cars are still the most common vehicle, even though hybrids and purely electric cars are actively available.

Why is this the case? If electric vehicles represent a greener way to drive – and are supposedly cheaper to run, too – why are we so slow in mass-adopting this new technology?

Here mechanic, and passionate green bean, Giles Kirkland shares his know how on the green car industry and why it hasn’t yet gone that extra mile:

Continue reading Eco Driving: Why Green Cars Still Aren’t Commonplace

36 Twitter Accounts That’ll Help you Live Greener

I’ll begin this post by putting my hands up and admitting I am an intermittent and inconsistent Twitter user. I have weeks when I’m completely on it and post regularly, and there are other times when I forget it even exists. Personally I see this approach to social media as healthy; it should simply be something you dip in and out of in between living life, not something you are glued to every second of the day. BUT as a blogger, I am aware that I’m missing a trick. 

Twitter is an awesome way to stay on the ball with the people and topics which interest you, and can be an incredible resource to accessing advice, information and inspiration for living a little more sustainably. And its not just newsfeeds and hashtags you can follow to help your green journey. There are also heaps of weekly debates, Q&As and discussion hours – such as #makedoandmendhour and #veganhour – where you can share (or steal) great ideas and easy green hacks from other like minded tweeters. 

With this in mind, I thought I would share 20 of my favourite Twitter accounts, for anyone interested in sustainability, veganism or green and ethical living. 

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