Ditch the January Detox and Try Veganuary

OK, I’m only going to admit this to you just this once, so soak it up while you can. I didn’t exactly follow any of my own advice when it came to succumbing to Christmas confectionary. In fact, not only did I not “step away from those special edition boxes of chocolates” as I advised last month; I continue to purchase said naughtiness to this day. I know I know, I’ve put shame on the whole sustainable community and I deserve every inch of the added layer nestled around my waist!

But as per tradition, January is a time of getting fit, getting healthy, and generally getting off our butts after a month of eating, drinking and being far too merry! I’m sure I’m not the only one making health food shopping lists, avoiding alcohol and setting a 6am alarm for that early morning run (which predictably gets put off for “one more day“). According to the world, we need to repent for our Christmas sins with a diet and exercise regime stricter than our bodies have ever seen! Continue reading Ditch the January Detox and Try Veganuary