Zero waset week 2016 a lazy girl goes green

Zero Waste Week: My Pledge to “Use it Up”!

How the years fly by when you are busy having fun and living zero waste!

It only feels like yesterday I joined the jaw-droppingly inspiring Zero Waste Blog Ambassadors (and the beautiful brains of Rachelle Strauss) on the Zero Waste Week Campaign back in 2014. (Catch up on the last two years HERE.)

Now I am here in my third year of the campaign ready to step it up for another week of learning new tricks, sharing my successes and failures, and basically having an awesome fun time kicking waste to the kirb (not literally of course!)


This years theme of “Use it Up” couldn’t have been more apt for me as I prepare to once again pack up my backpack and head from chilly but sunny Sydney, back to the UK via New Zealand and the USA. When I left the UK in October last year I was the queen of minimal living, and continuing to spend 4 months with a small 45L backpack and minimal belongings.

But 6 months later, a life in this Australian cosmopolitan city has seen me almost double my belongings without even trying! Clothes, shoes, cosmetics and  random pieces of paper have all made their way into my backpack; which now consists of 2 backpacks, a suitcase, a yoga mat and about 3 canvas shopping bags of belongings. Oh, and a drawer FULL of sexy Australian vegan cosmetics and treats thanks to A Perfect Potion.

So in order to get through customs and have any chance of enjoying the rest of my trip without a luggage trolley, I need to let go of things FAST!

Whilst I plan to pass on clothes, books and kitchen gadgets to the local Samaritans op shop in Surry Hills (let’s face it, a fair bit of what I have acquired actually was bought here to begin with..) I do also need to start using things up. Food and toiletries in particular need to be consumed in a creative way to reduce waste without me over consuming and over washing!

I’ll be blogging through the week, which runs from 5-9th September, so watch this space!

Join in Too

And you haven’t done already, sign up and give it a go yourself! Throughout the week you will get heaps of ideas sent straight to your email from the Zero Waste Week team to inspire and help you live with less waste.

Pledge now and join the movement.

One thought on “Zero Waste Week: My Pledge to “Use it Up”!”

  1. Woohoo! one of our first Zero Waste Week 2016 posts. Thanks Trudi and good luck finding loving homes for all your possessions. It’s such a creative pledge – most people would just dump things – you waste warrior you 🙂

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