Tag Archives: zero waste travel

Zero Waste Week: My Pledge to “Use it Up”!

How the years fly by when you are busy having fun and living zero waste!

It only feels like yesterday I joined the jaw-droppingly inspiring Zero Waste Blog Ambassadors (and the beautiful brains of Rachelle Strauss) on the Zero Waste Week Campaign back in 2014. (Catch up on the last two years HERE.)

Now I am here in my third year of the campaign ready to step it up for another week of learning new tricks, sharing my successes and failures, and basically having an awesome fun time kicking waste to the kirb (not literally of course!) Continue reading Zero Waste Week: My Pledge to “Use it Up”!

Packing solutions for the Green traveler

Well my lovelies, Zero waste Week is here and has already gone off with a big bang!! Some of my fellow zero waste bloggers have already shared some fabulous tips, ideas and confessions for cutting down the waste, and the activity on social media was so electric yesterday, #zerowasteweek was even trending on Twitter!!

But this week is also big for another very exciting reason: it’s my last week working at the amazing Eden Project before I pack up all my things and move back to my parents home. In less than 3 weeks I’ll be off on my round the world trip!!

After months of successful planning and not so successful saving, I’ll soon be heading off on foot with just a 46L backpack and leaving all my worldly belongings behind.

This kind of life change calls for a MASSIVE clear out, so Zero Waste Week couldn’t come at a better time! Continue reading Packing solutions for the Green traveler

Zero Waste Tools for Foodies on the Go

Ola my lazy green lovelies! I just wanted to check in and share some zero waste gear I’ve recently purchased for drinking and eating on the go. These two nifty things will keep me avoiding single use plastic containers both at home, and on the road when travelling, and are fast joining my handbag essentials, along with my phone and purse.

You may recall in one of my first ever posts that I have a very irrational distaste for tap water. So much so that I literally can’t drink water unless it has been filtered or come straight from a spring. A bit of a Princess, I know, but I just can’t get used to the taste! As such, I’ve been carrying my trusty Bobble water bottle with me for the last year or so. Continue reading Zero Waste Tools for Foodies on the Go