Tag Archives: easy recipe

Lazy Recipe: Vegan Avocado pizza toast

Happy lazy meat free Monday!!

I hope your weekend was filled with sun, fun and lots of lazing around! As usual, I had set out with lots of great intentions of blogs I wanted to write, but got easily distracted by the beach and the waves; oh the woes of a Cornish dweller! Continue reading Lazy Recipe: Vegan Avocado pizza toast

Lazy recipe: Easy Toasted nutty & seeded Granola

Not usually one for following recipes; I never really have the patience to follow something step-by-step, and usually end up free-styling and making it up. But…last week my friend told me she had made her own granola, and it actually sounded very easy to do. In fact, what I love is the fact you really don’t need to follow any strict ingredient list, and can add anything you have lying around in the cupboard. You literally just chuck in what you fancy!

Continue reading Lazy recipe: Easy Toasted nutty & seeded Granola