DIY natural lavender body scrub

DIY Lavender & Patchouli Salt Scrub

Over the last few months, I have been successfully weaning myself off unnecessary toiletries. Apart from my plastic free lush essentials, toothpaste and a bar of natural soap; I have been treating my body to a relatively product free life. But last weekend I was feeling a little achy, and my skin was starting to look as grey as the cloud outside, so I decided to knock up a quick salt scrub to rejuvenate and relax.

You could mix up the ingredients to match your favourite scents, but I just love the smell of patchouli and the lavender compliments it really well.

DIY natural lavender body scrub

All you need to do is mix in a bowl 2 tbsp. coarse sea salt, 1 tbsp. dried lavender, 3 drops of patchouli oil, 1 tbsp. coconut oil and ½ tbsp. almond oil (I also tried rapeseed and that worked quite well). You can experiment with consistencies for how oily/dry you like it, but I found this was just enough oil to stick the salt together and make it scrub like.

DIY vegan lavender body scrub

DIY vegan lavender body scrub

The scrub works best when applied with a shower glove and I’ve kept it stored in an old moisturiser tub, ready for next time I fancy a pamper!

9 thoughts on “DIY Lavender & Patchouli Salt Scrub”

  1. This is great, Trudi! I used to always make scrubs, probably around the time I stopped using shampoo, although now I don’t use anything. But I love how creative you can get with them and how awesome you feel after making/ using one. Thanks for sharing! ☮

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely recipe! My concoction is seasalt, a dash of olive oil – yes, the same stuff I drizzle on salads and cook in – and chopped rosemary from the garden for it’s sensory reinvigorating effect. Pantry or pharmacy…? Same difference!


  3. This looks SO good. Can we perhaps make some of these soon please. My experiment with washing my hair with baking powder and cider vinegar has NOT been successful so any suggestions you might have would be so welcome please! xxx


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